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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
BRIHANS lime juice cordial 32
CANE XPRESS sugarcane juice 32
CANEOLA sugarcane juice 32
DABUR REAL orange juice 32
DICE fruit juice 32
DON juice 32
DR. MEYER'S aloevra juice 5, 32
DRUK apple juice +apples 30
EURO FRESHO mango juice 32
FANTASY juice bar & snacks 43
FIZZZ! the juice bar 29
GAMES JANU juice +boy 32
GOLDY fruit juice +circle 32
HELLO pomegranate juice 29
INCREDI-juice 5, 32
JAMBA juice 32, 42
JAMBA juice +spiral 42
JAMHA juice +spiral 32
JJ juice junction +oval 32, 42
JOOSMA sugarcane juice 32
JULIYAT juice +fruits 32
KAYKALP wheat grass juice 5
KIDDI mango juice +cartoon 32
MAHALAXMI juice & fast-food 43
MEERA ice cream & juice 30
MPS FROOT MAZIK fruit juice 32
MYCAN mango juice +fruit 32
MYCAN mango juice +fruits 30
MYCAN mango juice +mangoes 29
NATURAL mango juice +sun 21
NEETU juice +woman & fruits 32
NITI juice 31
NJ niti juice shake mocktai 42
O ORANGE juice kids RADICAL 25
ORANGE juice inc. 25
PEAL juice bars +leaf 43
RAJHANS AMCHA mango juice 32
RAJHANS classic mango juice 32
RANOUSH juice +girl 43
REAL grape juice +girl 32
REAL mango juice +mangoes 32
REAL mixed fruit juice +gir 32
REAL orange juice 32
REAL pineapple juice 32
REAL tomato juice +tomatoes 32
ROSE'S lime juice +circles 32
SAINT juice 32
SAINT juice +fruits 32
SAINT juice +oranges 32
SAN FROOTZ orange juice 30
SIL orange juice +orange 32
SIL tomato juice 32
juice 32
WELL RETREAT fruit juice 32
YASH juice +cartoon 30
elovra juice VRITIKAS +plan 32
fresh GOLD pineapple juice 32
fresh GOLD tomato juice 32
fresh gold orange juice 32
sree ganesha fruit juice 32
CERES fruit juices +tree 32
FUN fruit juices +oval 32
RAUCH fruit juices +oval 32
juicy fruit 30
APPO juicy 32
BIG BABOL STRIPES juicy +bo 30
BO-bee aqua juicy +cartoon 32
DENIM juicy 5
GOLF juicy wet dates +camel 29
MADHUR juicy DIETER orange 32
NAGAD NARAYAN fruity juicy 30
RASNA VJ (very juicy) 30
RASNA VJ very juicy 30
WRIGLEY'S juicy fruit 30
madhur juicy JACKPOT 32
ASIANET jukebox 16
BATA julie 25
mili-julie MOHD. IBRAHIM 31
juliyat soft drink +boy gir 32
jullandar MIRROR 9, 16, 38
LYRIL jully 25
jumbo +circles 11
jumbo COMBO 16
AIRMAIL jumbo-71 16
DABANG jumbo crates +square 20
EICHER jumbo 15.16 12
EICHER jumbo 20.16 12
ELCHER jumbo 12
JET jumbo coil GODREJ 5
POPS jumbo wada pav 30
RALSON jumbo shakti 12
jumbo 16
TURTLES jumbo 30
MTL jumbogrip 12
FRUIT jump 32
jumping cat 9, 28
CHARLIE the coffee junction 43
JJ juice junction +oval 32, 42
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